Day in the Life of a Psychology Student

Have you ever thought about becoming a psychologist, or even studying psychology at university? The day in the life of a psychology major is a rich and rewarding experience for a student curious about the human mind. At Saint Augustine College, the process of studying psychology can prepare you for a myriad of careers, and not only psychology. These courses can help you become prepared for a career in human resources, health care, and even sales or business. Do you want to learn more about what studying psychology is like?
What is an example of a Fall Semester for a Psychology Major?
A psychology student at St. Augustine College will typically take between 3-4 (4 credit) classes per 8-week semester and the semester structure is composed of Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, and Spring 2. These condensed 8-week psychology courses are made up of rich and engaging courses to help build up your interests and knowledge of psychology, so you can leave the program with a deep knowledge of what a psychology degree consists of.
FALL 1 (8 Weeks)
Monday Evening – PSY 220: Adult Development
Tuesday Evening – BIO 102: Intro to Human Biology
Wednesday Evening – PSY 220: Adult Development
Thursday Evening – BIO 102: Intro to Human Biology
Saturday Morning – ENG 162: Composition II
Saturday Afternoon – PSY 101: General Psychology
FALL 2 (8 Weeks)
Monday Morning – PSY 238: Social Psychology
Monday Evening – PSY 300: Cross-Cultural Factors in Mental Health
Tuesday Evening – PSY 325: Neuro-Cognitive Psychology
Wednesday Morning – PSY 238: Social Psychology
Wednesday Evening – PSY 300: Cross-Cultural Factors in Mental Health
Thursday Evening – PSY 325: Neuro-Cognitive Psychology
Sunday Afternoon – PSC 103: American Government
The day in the life of a psychology major at Saint Augustine College, students are accommodated by offering classes mostly in the evening from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. but also in the mornings and on weekends. The weekday classes typically meet twice per week and the weekend classes once per week. We also offer Psychology classes instructed in Spanish to accommodate bilingual, Spanish, and English students.
What Psychology Course Requirements are Available When Studying Psychology?
Our academic program in psychology offers a wide range of topics when it comes to studying psychology at university. Covering such topics as statistics, physical health, neuro-cognitive psychology, and more, these are just a few of the major requirements that are expected from the day in the life of a psychology major.
- PSY 201 Writing for Psychology
- PSY 234 Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 310 Tests and Measurements
- PSY 320 Behavioral Statistics
- PSY 440 Health Psychology
A few classes that students may take include Cross-Cultural Factors in Mental Health, Abnormal Psychology, Neuro-Cognitive Psychology, and Counseling Psychology to mention a few. The Professors are all highly knowledgeable and leaders in their respective subject matters within the field of Psychology. They are easily accessible and committed to guiding students to reach their academic goals through hands-on advising and many are bilingual (Spanish and English speaking). We also have a bilingual (Spanish and English) Learning facilitator assigned to each student to ensure Psychology students are very well supported.
What is Expected from a Psychology Student in Class?
Students are expected to be actively engaged in classroom discussions, and value diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice. Successful psychology students have an interest in learning more about general psychology to improve the mental health and overall well-being of others. Open-mindedness, empathy, compassion, and service to help others are all core aspects of what an excellent psychology student will demonstrate once graduates.
What Careers Can a Psychology Degree Prepare You For?
After studying psychology at the university level, a student will be well prepared for employment as bachelor-level therapists, counselors, and other mental health-related professionals. The Senior internship allows students to gain vital information about employment within the field and hands-on experience in a specific mental health setting.
Many of our recent graduates have found jobs as Bilingual (Spanish and English) therapists with a bachelor’s degree. A psychology day in the life at Saint Augustine College is unique in that many of the students are well prepared to help fill the gap in the field of qualified culturally and linguistically competent mental health providers. We also offer a certificate in Domestic Violence. We offer students the opportunity to also earn a certificate and placement to work as child welfare advocates as we partner closely with the Department of Child and Family Services. Graduates of this program will be well prepared to continue to graduate school and advance their studies in Psychology and/or Psychology and mental health-related programs.
What Makes the Experience of a Psychologist’s College Years at SAC Stand Out?
Along with the rest of our academic programs, a big part of what separates psychology students at Saint Augustine when compared to other schools is our emphasis on the comfort and accessibility of our academic courses. We offer the flexibility of in-person classes, live sessions via Zoom, and hybrid courses (synchronous and asynchronous). A realistic day in the life of a psychology major is not all about school, because a lot of the time, you have much more than just school to worry about. So, regardless if it ranges from having children at home to having a full-time job that you can’t take your nose from, St. Augustine College and our psychology program will work for you, and not the other way around.