A chef preparing a sauce

July 25, 2024

Follow a day in the life of a chef who graduated from St. Augustine College’s Culinary Arts program. This blog will showcase how their culinary arts education shapes the essential skills and culinary techniques used in the daily work in a professional kitchen.

Morning Routine

Your day as a chef starts early in the morning. After a hot shower and breakfast, you head to the restaurant, ready to embrace the day’s challenges. During your commute, you mentally prepare for the fast-paced environment of the kitchen, where every second counts.

Morning Inventory and Prep Work

Once you arrive at the restaurant, the first task is to take inventory. Fresh ingredients arrive each morning, and it’s important to check for quality and ensure they’re stored properly. This meticulous attention to detail was learned during your time at St. Augustine College and helps set the foundation for the day ahead.

Next comes the mise en place, a French culinary term meaning “everything in its place.” This phase involves prep work on meats and produce, sharpening knives, and stocking each station with enough utensils and containers. It’s the time when you and your team work to ensure that all ingredients and stations are ready for the busy services to come.

Menu Planning and Team Coordination

With the prep work underway, it’s time to focus on the menu. You gather your team for a briefing to discuss the day’s specials, customer preferences, and any dietary requirements. An important aspect of this planning session is costing a dish. You review ingredient costs, portion sizes, and pricing to ensure each dish is profitable while maintaining quality. This critical step learned during your training at St. Augustine College ensures that the restaurant operates efficiently and sustainably. This collaborative planning session ensures everyone is on the same page and ready to deliver the best dining experience possible.

Lunch Service

As lunch service begins, the kitchen buzzes with activity. You lead your team, ensuring each dish meets the high standards expected by your diners and your team. Your time at St. Augustine College has equipped you with the skills to manage a busy kitchen efficiently including coordinating orders and ensuring quality control.

During the service, you might jump in to help wherever needed, whether it’s plating dishes, managing the grill, or overseeing the final touches. Being a chef is a dynamic role that requires quick thinking and adaptability to keep everything running smoothly.

Post Lunch Break

After the lunch rush, it’s time for a short break. You and your team take a moment to reflect on the service, discussing what went well and areas for improvement. This is also a time to recharge, enjoy a meal together, and prepare for the evening service.

The Dinner Rush

The dinner service is often the busiest part of a typical day for a restaurant. The kitchen heats up as orders start pouring in. You’re in charge of overseeing the entire operation, ensuring each dish is cooked to perfection and served on time. The fast-paced environment demands your full attention and expertise in the skills developed through the training you received at St. Augustine College.

Post-Service: Closing and Preparation

As the dinner service winds down, the focus shifts to cleaning and preparation for the next day. You and your team clean the kitchen thoroughly to ensure it’s spotless and ready for another day of meals. This includes deep cleaning, organizing supplies, and starting any slow-cooking prep for the next day.

Finally, you review the next day’s menu, place orders for fresh ingredients, and reflect on the day’s successes and challenges. This routine helps maintain the high standards expected in a professional kitchen.

Your Future in Culinary Arts Begins at St. Augustine College

The Culinary Arts program at St. Augustine College prepares aspiring chefs for the diverse and demanding nature of culinary careers. The skills and knowledge taught to students in our culinary program are essential for mastering daily kitchen operations, from meticulous preparations to leading a team during dinner service.

Are you ready to step into the kitchen? Contact us to learn more about our Culinary Arts program and how you can start your path to becoming a professional chef today!