Fulbright 2022 – Maldonado
Gerardo Maldonado, PhD
Profesor Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
División de Estudios Internacionales
A Re-Birth of Anti-Americanism? Changing Mexican Feelings toward the United States, 2004-2021
The outcomes of the project “Mexico, the Americas and the World” revealed in 2004 and 2014 that both “trust” and “admiration” for the United States were increasing among the Mexican population for well over a decade. The arrival of Donald Trump in 2016 caused an unprecedented and rapid plunge in approval, resulting in distrust and disdain. By contrast, the Biden administration brought new hope for Mexicans. In fact, recent data from 2021 reveals that Mexican society has a much better opinion about the USA than was previously held. Based on this information, this research project focuses on three points: (1) Changes of Mexican public opinion toward the United States affected by the arrival of Donald Trump as President; (2) attitudinal changes of Mexicans toward the United States and its President; and (3) the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the new US administration.