Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Information Systems

SAC’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems degree program is designed to prepare you for a career in the rapidly changing Information Technology (IT) field, this computer information systems degree can be online or in person with a flexible bilingual education in CIS for students who work full time. St. Augustine College’s computer information systems major on a foundation of mathematics (discrete structures), communications (technical writing), and strong computer programming classes, you can choose from one of the following three areas of concentration:

  1. Web-based applications: Learn how to design, implement, and manage systems on the web, and get the skills required to become a web developer.
  2. Database management: Learn how to design, implement, and manage systems for database systems at nonprofit or for-profit organizations, following the in-demand career path of a data scientist.
  3. Network systems administration: Learn how to build, install, troubleshoot, and administer local area networks from the foundation up.

As a college program that can work for nontraditional students, you will also work on a senior capstone project that allows you to use and apply your learned skills to solve a computer-information-systems problem in a real-world situation. The capstone project is crucial to receiving an information systems degree and gives you a strong resume to help to apply to software developer jobs. Graduates leave our program with the professional skills needed for tech jobs to work independently and/or collaboratively with diverse populations of staff, supervisors, and customers.

A.A., Computer Information Systems

Our Liberal Arts and Sciences degree curriculum* with a Computer Information Systems concentration is designed to provide adult learners with foundational comprehension of English, mathematics, science, and history while also exposing you to basic knowledge within the Information Technology (IT) field necessary to be qualified for computer information systems jobs. The Computer Information Systems major can also be used as a foundation to pursue a Computer Information Systems Bachelor’s Degree.

*The general education core for this degree complies with the guidelines of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI).

1 Year CIS Certification Program 

The one-year computer science certification program is designed for both traditional and nontraditional students who want to find career paths in Information Technology and find CIS jobs that can lead to fully formed careers. Certificates are 32 credits, and include two concentrations:

Information Processing for Analysis and Reporting 

Network Support

Each computer science certificate will prepare students to obtain experience in today’s IT. Depending on your chosen certificate, you will be trained to produce and analyze information for decision making, manage a database management system, present information in different formats, manage a computer network, assist personnel with troubleshooting issues on-site or remotely, and diagnose and troubleshoot a computer network. These aspects of the one year Computer Science certification program give you the skills needed for a career. 

Why St. Augustine College:

  • The learning environment and campus life is community-oriented
  • Small class sizes where students know each other by name helps create a community
  • Earn college credits towards an associate’s computer science degree or a bachelor’s degree in IT
  • Prepare quickly for an entry-level position in the IT field
  • Friendly qualified and knowledgeable faculty
  • Dedicated student support service that will help the students go through the Computer Information Systems program
  • Concentration courses in computer science are hands-on to gain real-world experience to boost your resume with skills needed for tech jobs 
  • Hy-Flex teaching modality (students choose how they want to take their classes on campus or online)

Financial Aid is available if you qualify

Why Should you Enroll in SAC’s One-Year Computer Certification Program

  • Short term commitment
  • Serves as an initial stage for data science, data mining, and data warehouse to qualify you for a career in data science.
  • Become a member of the IT department in any company

Aspects of the Computer Science Certification

  • Manage a database system
  • Produce queries
  • Generate Reports
  • Analyze information and present it in a graphical format for an audience
  • Produce Computer Applications

What Skills Will you Learn in SAC’s IT Certificate Program

  • Help desk oriented to customer service
  • Help personnel on-site or remotely
  • Analyze, diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix computer issues
  • Install/uninstall software
  • Add/remove network devices
  • Conduct network connectivity
Bachelor of Science

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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Information Systems Full Course List List

List of Classes and Credit Hours for BS Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (BS) Academic RequirementsCREDIT HOURS REQUIREMENTS
CIS Major Requirements56 HRS
Required Courses36
CIS 110 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming(4)
CIS 130 Computer systems Hardware(4)
CIS 210 Object-Oriented Programming(4)
*CIS 240 Database Management Concepts(4)
*CIS 300 Management Information Systems(4)
CIS 303 Discrete Structure(4)
*CIS 315 Technical Writing for CIS(4)
*CIS 325 Data Structures (Using C++)(4)
*CIS 460 Senior Project(4)
Concentration #1
Database Systems Management(4)
*CIS 220 Client-Side Web Development(4)
*CIS 310 Database Security Management(4)
*CIS 320 Server-Side Web Development(4)
*CIS 340 Database Management(4)
*CIS 440 Topics in Advanced Databases(4)
Concentration #2
Network Systems Administrator20 HRS
CIS 216 Operating Systems(4)
CIS 217 Computer Networks(4)
*CIS 328 Network Systems Security(4)
*CIS 360 Advanced Topics in Networks(4)
*CIS 370 Network Management(4)
Concentration #3
Web-based applications20 HRS
*CIS 220 Client-Side Web Development(4)
*CIS 312 Advanced Applications Programming(4)
With Visual Basic
*CIS 320 Server-Side Web Development(4)
*CIS 328 Network Systems Security(4)
*CIS 400 Ecommerce(4)
General Education Requirements40 HRS
ENG 160 Composition I(4)
ENG 162 Composition II(4)
ENG 165 Speech(4)
MAT 225 Statistics(4)
PHY 103 Earth Science OR(4)
BIO 102 Introduction to Human Biology
HUM 202 Humanities I OR(4)
ENG 203 American Culture and Literature OR
PHI 200 Introduction to Philosophy OR
PHI 220 Ethics
SPA 222 The Hispanic-American Experience
Through Literature OR
HUM 202 Humanities I(4)
HUM 204 Music Appreciation OR(4)
HUM 205 History and Appreciation of Art
HIS 104 Survey of U.S. History to 1865 OR(4)
HIS 105 Survey of U.S. History 1865 to Present OR
PSC 103 American Government and Politics
PSY 101 General Psychology OR(4)
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
Elective Credits24 HRS
Total Credit Hours Required120 HRS

Computer Information Systems Bachelor’s Degree Program FAQ:

How long is the Computer Information Systems Program?

This is a typical 4-year program, compiled of 120 total credit hours that can be taken at your leisure.

Can I get my BS in Computer Information Systems degree online?

Yes! The Computer Information Systems degree program is offered both online and in person. Our online model is a real-time livestream of the courses, so students have the flexibility to learn completely online, in-person, or a combination of both. This online computer science program features the same courses as the in-person classes.

What is the career outlook for BS in Computer Information Systems graduates?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, on its Economic News website, projects that Computer Systems Design and related Services will be the fifth highest out of 19 industries that will have significant job growth between 2014 and 2024, adding over 408,000 new jobs during those years. In today’s workplace, there is almost no industry that can operate without computer technicians to support their systems. Demand is high for well-trained computer network and application specialists, and receiving a bachelor’s or associate’s degree in computer information systems can boost your resume with the skills needed for tech jobs.

How much can you make with a computer information systems degree?

On average, a computer information systems major can earn a salary of 68,855, or about 33$ an hour. The computer information systems salary at some companies, such as Google or Microsoft, goes as high as 120,000$ offering a competitive salary in the computer information systems job market.

What careers can you go into with a degree in computer information systems?

Applying practical knowledge in the world of technology opens a lot of doors for SAC graduates. Someone who was either an in-person or online computer information systems degree can qualify to work in cyber security, data programming, and systems analysis. These positions are crucial at every workplace that holds a computer, from marketing to finances or nonprofits.

What is the difference between computer science and computer information systems?

While a computer science degree usually focuses on the more theoretical and academic aspects of technology, a computer information systems major focuses on practical applications. Computer information systems jobs prioritize development in the workplace, rather than in the classroom. This is a broad selection of jobs for computer programmers, from building apps to troubleshooting, IT, and more that a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems prepares you for.

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As the number one school in Illinois in raising students’ income, and having a second higher graduation rate than comparable institutions in Chicago, we are proud to present a few of our outstanding students below who have stood out and demonstrated St. Augustine’s dedication to success. Learn more here.

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